MIT climate and sustainability interns consider aviation emissions and climate change

MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI) developed pre-departure sessions intended to help students reflect on their experiences going abroad in the wider context of sustainability and climate change.

Exploring new sides of climate and sustainability research

The yearlong MCSC Climate and Sustainability Scholars Program engages MIT undergrads in developing and implementing research projects. The program includes a classroom component combined with experiential learning opportunities and mentorship, all centered on climate and sustainability topics.

Volunteer committee helps the MIT community live and work sustainably

The MIT Working Green Committee is made up of staff volunteers committed to encouraging reuse and recycling of goods, and reducing waste, with efforts such as the Choose to Reuse swap.
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New additives could turn concrete into an effective carbon sink

Introducing additives to concrete manufacturing processes could reduce the sizeable carbon footprint of the material without altering its bulk mechanical properties, an MIT study shows.
Climate Change Environment Global Warming. Renewable Energy. Sustainability

Sustainable supply chains put the customer first

How can we make supply chains more sustainable? Josué C. Velázquez Martínez, a research scientist and lecturer at the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics, focuses on logistics sustainability and small firms in emerging markets.