
Google has quietly pushed back the launch of next-gen AI model Gemini until next year, report says

Google, which aimed to have its conversational AI model Gemini launch in November, has quietly pushed back the much-anticipated debut to early 2024.

One YouTuber makes $650,000 a year recording himself crushing everything from PlayStation consoles to human teeth. Say hello to the estimated $165 million destructo-economy.

Clips of hydraulic press machines crushing cars and industrial shredders destroying appliances have garnered massive audiences and profits online.
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One YouTuber makes $650,000 a year recording himself crushing everything from PlayStation consoles to human teeth. Say hello to the estimated $165 million destructo-economy.

Clips of hydraulic press machines crushing cars and industrial shredders destroying appliances have garnered massive audiences and profits online.

Marines fooled a DARPA robot by hiding in a cardboard box while giggling and pretending to be trees

Former Pentagon policy analyst Paul Scharre wrote in his upcoming book that the Marines were training to defeat the AI system powering the robot.