Measuring sustainability worth the effort, say farmers

Increasingly required to share metrics of sustainability with supply chains and others, it turns out farmers can not only gauge their progress, but also

Sustainability through surfboards

Kelly Slater, one of the world’s great surf competitors, says the sport “is all about where your mind’s at”, which is a sentiment that might occupy the minds
Sustainability Tonomia En

Seaweed-based edible electronics could outperform other health sensors

Researchers have made a biodegradable, edible algae-based electronic health monitor: all out of a bit of edible seaweed.
Global Warming. Renewable Energy.

Thermal “muffins” store much more than fat

New South Wales researchers are taking their thermal energy storage innovation from concept to commercialisation.
Climate Change Global Warming.

“Absolutely diabolical” challenge of climate change addressed by Australia’s top and emerging scientists

Australia’s researchers have convened at their first in-person AMOS conference since the pandemic to absorb the latest climate science.