Gardening Gardens

‘I’ll Build a Stairway to Paradise’ Review: Gardening With Bunny

How Bunny Mellon employed both talent and considerable wealth to create landscapes to beguile the eye.
Gardening Gardens

It’s gardening season: Here’s a guide to South Florida’s native and invasive plants

Now that temperatures are dipping ever so slightly, gardeners are getting ready to get their hands dirty for a new season of freshly planted fall foliage. If you’re new to South Florida or new to gardening, here’s a tip: Make sure to choose native plants that grow harmoniously with fellow shrubs, trees and flowers — and steer clear of invasive plants, which have been artificially introduced …
Gardening Gardens

Gardening: Make your home decor merry and bright by adding some holiday flowers

Baby, it’s cold outside, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still plant flowers. Here’s a look at some plants you can grow indoors for the holidays.
Gardening Gardens

It’s the season for sage: How to successfully grow this holiday meal staple

While preparing your holiday menus, consider growing your own sage at home to add a fresh touch to your table.
Gardening Gardens

Gardening principles

How moths entered America
Gardening Gardens

Gardening With Nature: Beauty and Function of Native Plants in Cooler Seasons

I don’t know about you, but the strange warm temperatures impacted my assumption of the happenings in my landscape. Wearing a T-shirt, I looked out my window and realized nothing
Gardening Gardens

Community Gardens builds new plot: New garden located next to WabiSabi

The plot will be ready to go for next year’s garden season with a number of 4-by-16-foot raised beds with 2-foot high walls.
Gardening Gardens

Growing faith by gardening: How extreme temperatures are affecting a San Antonio veteran’s garden

“San Antonio is hot, but I hadn’t experienced this type of heat in my gardening in the past,” says Clarence Prevo. “But you fight through that — you keep moving, you know, you can’t be defeated by that.”
Gardening Gardens

Master Gardeners to offer December webinars

Happy Thanksgiving from the Penn State Extension Master Gardeners of Huntingdon County.
Gardening Gardens

From the Ground Up: Low-light indoor gardening

Tom Seymour, of Frankfort, is a homeowner, gardener, forager, naturalist, registered Maine Guide, amateur astronomer, magazine and newspaper columnist, and book author.