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This Meta Quest app teaches you self-defense through hand tracking

Fight Back teaches you de-escalation and self-defense techniques. The VR app is available for free for Meta Quest 2.
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How to create and see NeRFs in a VR headset

You can create your own NeRFs and view them in your VR headset using free software if your computer and headset are compatible. Here's how.
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Pico 4 now offers full OpenXR support – Why this is important

Pico headsets are now fully compatible with the OpenXR standard. What does this mean for Pico owners and developers?
Featured posts

Bigscreen Beyond is the world’s smallest PC VR headset

The developer of Bigscreen Beta, a VR video streaming app, just announced a tiny, new PC VR headset with several unique features.

HTC’s new headset will reportedly be called “Vive XR Elite” and cost $1400

At CES 2023 in January, HTC will introduce a slim VR AR headset that is supposed to compete with the Meta Quest (Pro). Now we got the first official picture.